Jackson Bliss

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Amnesia of June Bugs to be Published in 2022 by 7.13 Books

I’ve been holding on to this secret for a little while now after signing and returning the publisher’s contract because I wanted to wait until the moment felt right to me, but the day has finally come! I sold my very first novel, Amnesia of June Bugs to 7.13 Books, an indie Brooklyn press with a fantastic catalog filled with many women writers and writers of color. My novel will be coming out in 2022, can you believe that shit? I know I can’t. I can’t tell you the number of times I was ready to give up. I had abandoned all hope that I’d ever publish it but finally, someone with vision, generosity, and power saw its potential, its beauty, and its voice, someone saw its uniqueness, its ambition, its cinematography, and also its weak spots. Now, I have the next year to work on the revisions my publisher gave me, and nothing makes me happier than to have a literary mission in life, so this is great news for me and great news for this manuscript. Stay tuned, friends, lurkers, and fellow writers!