Good Rejection from Algonquin Books

The pain, the pain. While I knew it was a long shot to publish a novel through Algonquin Books from the slushpile, I have to admit that I let myself dream just a little bit. Being probably the best indie press in the American South, it's not hard for that dream to thrive inside your brain. But today I received the dreaded letter + though it was kindly (thoughtfully) written in a this-is-strictly-business kinda tone, I'm not gonna lie, it still hurts. But that's okay. It's supposed to. Here's the damage:

February 9, 2011

Los Angeles, CA 9*****

Dear Jackson Bliss,

We have now read BLANK (actually, they only read about a hundred pages). We read the material with care + interest, but I'm sorry to report that we not believe this is a project that Algonquin Books could publish successfully for you.

As you know, we are a small publishing company +, as such, we must limit our list to only a few new titles each year. Those few we do select are the sort we think we know how to market best. That yours doesn't fit the categories means nothing about its publishability--only that it's not right for us.

Thanks again for giving us the opportunity to read your work, + best of luck.


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